Smart Fertilizer


This patented technology will allow superintendents to put down fertilizer once every 90 days. While still out preforming their traditional methods.

Infusing REV into the Smart fertilizer adds beneficial microbes to the fertilizer which helps with the uptake process and speeds up the plant feeding process.

Quicker long lasting green ups.
Our 2mm pellets will completely dissolve within the first two weeks. With this new patented technology it will continue to feed for a full 90 days. Which means less trips across your greens, saving time and money.

Try it on your one green and if it doesn’t out preform your other greens with your traditional methods we will refund your money.



  • 2.0mm granules

Relevant Documents

What makes DAKOTA Peat special?


DAKOTA Peat is a highly decomposed organic matter resulting from when the glacial lake named Lake Agassiz retreated around 10,000 years ago. When Lake Agassiz retreated it left behind a layer of nutrient-rich fine silt which has been a great benefit to Red River Valley farmers for centuries. The peat is primarily made up of decomposed reeds and sedges, which separates it from peat derived from sphagnum and hypnum moss. 


A highly concentrated organic material ideal for soil conditioning and growing, DAKOTA Peat is of the finest quality, made from selected deposits and carefully processed to maintain its excellent, agronomic horticultural attributes. Its unique cellular structure resists further decomposition, allowing the blend to last longer in soil, and provides successful growth through exceptionally high plant feeding abilities. These are essential for development of the plant’s root system as well as air and water balance, making DAKOTA Peat an ideal soil conditioner and growing medium for plants of all types in a variety of applications.

How It Works

Maintain plants and turf with less water using DAKOTA. DAKOTA Peat acts a natural insulator against evaporation, reducing heat stress and field loss through its unique hydrophilic characteristics. Additionally, the heavy-duty organic soil conditioner is completely processed to provide users with excellent mixing to reduce or eliminate the need for special equipment. This uniform mixing also makes for more effective use of its plant feeding abilities and water relationship, which in turn also reduces fertilization and irrigation needs. These are essential for development of the plant’s root system as well as air and water balance, making DAKOTA Peat an ideal soil conditioner and growing medium for plants of all types in a variety of applications.

Whatever your needs may be, from golf and sports turf construction or maintenance to nursery horticulture and everything in between, the DAKOTA Peat is here to help your business grow.

The science supports DAKOTA Peat

Four amendments were tested against each other for a variety of properties that are important for a healthy rootzone. The chemical analyses were performed by Inter-Mountain Laboratories in College Station, Texas. Physical analyses and technical advise were provided by Charles Dixon and K.W. Brown & Associates, Inc. from College Station Texas.


Organic amendments with a carbon to nitrogen ratio greater than 30:1 compete for nitrogen in the rootzone. As the C:N ratio increases microbes have to work harder and take more time to break down the material. As microbes work harder they consume more nitrogen, which can create a nitrogen deficiency in the rootzone. 


Humic acid is a component of humus. The amount of humic acid present is a relative index of the state of decomposition. Humus enhances the aggregation of soil materials and promotes soil structure. Improved soil structure improves internal soil drainage.


CEC is a measure of how many cations (elements with a positive charge) can be held on the surface of the soil particles. A high CEC means a better ability to hold essential plant nutrients.


Nitrogen is the most important element for plant growth. It is part of the chlorophyll molecule, which is a critical component of the photosynthesis process. 

Researchers from Iowa State University performed a study titled “Responses of Creeping Bentgrass to Organic and Inorganic Soil Amendments”. This study included the analysis of DAKOTA Peat. The results showed DAKOTA Peat performed much better than pure sand and sand amended with Profile.

Root Growth
Mean Visual Rate Total Clipping Weight (dry) Final Sheath Weight (dry) Week 4 Week 8
Pure Sand 5.71 0.57 0.28 20.75 37.13
Profile 6.75 0.72 0.32 23.50 39.88
DAKOTA Peat 8.17 1.17 0.40 29.00 44.20

The researchers indicate in the report, “[DAKOTA Peat] improved visual quality, clipping yield, and root growth in both non-stressed and stressed condition”. They also commented that, “DAKOTA Peat was the most effective of the organic amendments” and “DAKOTA Peat was the only organic material to increase total plant weight in the high temperature study”.

The research also concluded that, “Inorganic amendments were not acceptable as a substitute for organics under normal moisture, low N, or high temperature stressed conditions”.

Organic matter vs. organic debris

organic matter  organic matter in context with soils and turfgrass systems is the carbon-based residue of plant and/or animal residues. In a well-decomposed stable form within the soil it is often referred to as “humus” or as “soil organic matter”.

soil organic matter  the well-decomposed, more or less stable portion of plant and/or animal residues in a mineral soil. Often referred to as “humus”.

Organic matter is often discussed in terms of its level of decomposition. Less decomposed organic forms when incorporated into the soil do not technically become part of the soil organic matter until they are broken down into a stable form of humus. It is simply organic debris” (part of the organic fraction but not technically “soil organic matter”) until such decomposition occurs. Composts are also commonly marketed and sold as organic matter (often for the intent to use as a soil amendment) but it may not be broken down to a degree so as to technically be classified as soil organic matter (or humus) or many times the compost-material may be preblended with soil mineral matter such that it is really just an organic-rich material.

Organic Debris

  • Not well-decomposed
  • High C:N ratio, which causes a competition for nutrients
  • Prone to cause fungal diseases like faerie ring
  • Causes disruption in soil structure as it decomposes

Organic Matter

  • Well-decomposed
  • Low C:N ratio – nitrogen is readily available to microbes
  • Doesn’t promote fungal disease

Successful growth for all applications


DAKOTA Peat is a great addition to any operation from sports fields to home gardens. Here are a few of the commonly used applications from industries and clientele we currently serve:

  • Golf greens, tees, fairways and sports fields
  • Organic flower beds and vegetable gardening
  • Potting soil
  • Tree and shrub planting
  • Turf and lawn care
  • Water conservation

DAKOTA Peat has been tested and used by clients across the U.S. and the world.

Andrews University

Auburn University

Clemson University

California State Polytechnic

Colorado State University

Cornell University

State University of New York at Delhi

Iowa State University

Ithaca College, New York

Kansas State University

Louisiana State University

Michigan State University

Mississippi State University

New Mexico State University

North Carolina State University

North Dakota State University

Ohio State University

Oklahoma State University

Oregon State University

Penn State University

Purdue University

Rutgers University

Texas A & M

University of Arizona

University of Arkansas

University of California

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Hawaii

University of Illinois

University of Kentucky

University of Maryland

University of Massachusetts

University of Minnesota

University of Missouri

University of Nebraska

University of Nevada

University of North Dakota

University of Rhode Island

University of Tennessee

University of Wisconsin

Washington State University

Organics you can trust