The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay

Harrison, tn

The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay Golf Course in Tennessee started having issues with nematodes a few years ago. Due to a warmer-than-usual winter, the nematodes were active year round and attacked the new roots of the Champion ultradwarf bermudagrass the course had begun producing, leaving unsightly patches throughout the greens.

The course maintenance crew started treating the nematodes with Avid from Syngenta and Notica from Bayer Golf, and 5-7 days after the attack was reduced, started applying a 3oz/M rate of REV to the greens. Within 48 hours of the initial application of REV, they noticed increased topical growth and better color.

After the fast initial results from using REV, the following week they again applied a 3oz/M rate of REV, and the roots began to re-establish rapidly and became denser with greater uptake of water and nutrients. Two weeks later they were able to apply a 3oz/M rate only to the greens that were most severely affected.

Since using REV, Bear Trace at Harrison Bay has noticed “better color, greater rooting, and better growth compared to other products we have used in the past,” according to Paul L. Carter, CGCS. The recovery of the course is still taking place but has “been shortened by 3-4 weeks by using REV. Very impressed with the product and will be continuing to use it from here on out. I believe we will be able to cut our fertility rates close to half of what we have been using yearly with this product,” stated Carter.


