Barefoot Farms

St. helena island, south carolina

Jackie Fraiser isn’t a man of many words but this year his 50-acre farm on St. Helena Island, South Carolina, is speaking volumes about the benefits of REV.

Intrigued by the idea that REV could increase yield on collard greens, Jackie mixed 12 ounces of REV with 5 gallons of water and applied that to his greenhouse collard greens flats. Three weeks later, Jackie saw that the REV treated plants were bigger and greener than those that had only been treated with just fertilizer.

During transplanting, he used a mixture of 100 gallons of water mixed with 1 gallon of Nachurs 5-10-15 fertilizer and 1 quart of REV.

By mid-March, even in unseasonably cold weather, there was a substantial difference in the treated vs. untreated collard greens plants. Not only were the REV plants twice as big, they were ready for harvest three weeks before the surrounding farmers.


Jackie Fraiser’s early season experiment with REV on collard greens at Barefoot Farms showed such great results that he chose to do side-by-side testing on his zucchini and squash plantings. Is he ever glad he did!

Transplanting the 2-3″ starter plants on March 21st Jackie’s transplant water was a 150 gallon tank with 5 gallons of 5-10-15 Nachur’s fertilizer and 1/2 gallon of REV.

Less than five weeks later, Frasier did his first pick – two weeks ahead of the rest of the farmers in the state. Not only was his crop earlier, it was larger than he had ever seen. Normally, a squash plant would give him eight quality picks. With REV, Jackie had 22 picks per plant. Almost three times more yield.